Harvard newspaper lack of morals

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Letters by Pablo Nankin, MD

How appropriate that the university’s newspaper is named the “Harvard Crimson” with the intention of some of their editors to spread disinformation, lies, and blatant antisemitism! They should crimson from embarrassment and shame.

Are these people the future of our country? They can not even determine who or what the problem is in Israel.
There is one state named Israel by which the Jews everywhere have been blessed with its’ creation. Unfortunately, in 1948 (War of Independence) Israel was unable to obtain Judea, Samaria & Jerusalem which was part of that which had been promised to them in 1920 ( see San Remo agreement establishing Israel as the historic homeland of the Jews). However, the Jews still rejoiced.

In 1967, they won a war against 5 countries and recovered the entire land promised to them, of course, you do know all of this. Correct?

Now you are giving up your high moral standards by associating with BDS, whose founder’s (Barghouti) brother is in prison for killing children and adults in his attempt to destroy Israel. Is this what you admire? BDS’s agenda is to push the Jews to the Mediterranean Sea so they can be drowned.

Do you remember President Clinton’s meeting with Arafat in Camp David at which this mad-man terrorist accepted peace with Israel? It didn’t last long as Arafat pulled out of the deal. It just lasted until Arafat made $1B dollars and allowed his widow to keep half of it.

In May of last year, similar to the past, BDS’ friends in Hamas decided to fire rockets at Israel. Luckily, Israel has a great anti-missile system which saved many Israelis as it has done recently again.

In essence, many Harvard Crimson editors have taken a turn to propagate antisemitism in order to enable criminals to continue on the rampage away from making peace.

Have you ever thought of why the “Palestinian” Arabs have not made peace while Egypt, Jordan, Turkey,
Morocco, Bahrain, UAE, & several African countries (more to come), to mention a few, have done so?

Make sure you Boycott all that Israel has given to you and the world, do not pick and choose.

Pablo Nankin, MD

Examples of crimson in a Sentence
he crimsoned the minute he realized the foolishness of what he’d said
If a person goes crimson, their face becomes red because they are angry or embarrassed.
deep purplish-red. sanguinary.

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Harvard Judenrat: The Harvard Crimson Calls for Boycott of Jews – Geller Report

Acerca de Pablo Nankin, MD

Born on September 4, 1944 and raised in Mexico City, Mexico. Private Practice begun in Vascular Surgery in 1972. In 1994, as of March 1, 2004 I retired from my practice. My office location remains at: 1125 South Beverly Drive, Suite 611, Los Angeles, CA 90035. September 20-23, 2000 and September 17-18, 1998: Private tutorial sessions on Sclerotherapy with Doctor Frederic Vin, Chief of the Department of Angiology at Hospital Notre Dame de Bon Secours in Paris, France as well as at his private offices in Paris. Emphasis being on the long saphenous veins at the saphenous/femoral junction and on the short saphenous vein at the popliteal/saphenous junction. September 16,1998: Training in Phlebectomy at the Clinique Mursat in Paris, France under the tutelage of Doctor Jean-Francois Uhl, Associate Professor of Surgery at Ancien Interne des Hopitaux de Paris in Paris, France, November 7-9, 1997: Attended the 11th Annual Congress of the North American Society of Phlebology in Palm Springs, California. November 10-11, 1996; January 14,15, 1997; February 19,1997; April 1-2, 1997: Preceptorship dedicated to the treatment of veins with John J. Bergan, M.D., Professor of Surgery Loma Linda University Medical Center in La Jolla, California. September 22, 24-26,1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy with Doctor Frederic Vin, Chief of the Department of Angiology at Hospital Notre Dame de Bon Secours Paris, France as well as at his private offices in Paris, France. Emphasis on the long saphenous veins at the saphenous / femoral junction and the short saphenous vein at the popliteal/saphenous junction. February 20,1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein problems with Helaine S. Fronek, M.D. Instructor in Medicine, University of California, San Diego and Director, Varicose Vein Clinic. March 4 & 28, April 4 & 14, 1997: Personal tutorial on Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein problems with David Duffy, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Dermatology) in Torrance, CA September 23,1997: Notre Dame de Bon Secours Hospital, Paris, France: Insertion of “V” clip into the saphenous/femoral junction for valvular insufficiency with Doctor Jean-Francois Van Cleef. Television Appearances: January 21, 1999: Channel 52 KVEA, Telemundo Topic: Sclerotherapy and Varicose Vein Surgery January 1985: Channel 34 KMEX, Univision Topic: Varicose Veins July 1985: Channel 34 KMEX, Univision Topic: Varicose Veins

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