Hoy, 20 de agosto, se cumplen 100 años del linchamiento de Leo Frank y el nacimiento del KKK y la ADL

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The conviction and lynching of Leo Frank a century ago galvanized the rebirth  of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, the centenary of Frank’s murder trial is galvanizing  neo-Nazis.

A slew of anti-Semitic websites, some professionally designed and purporting  to be balanced online archives with URLs like leofrank.info and leofrank.org[, are seeking to attract curious  researchers and to revise history.

“This is an attempt to reach the minds of young people and poison them,” said  Mark Potok, editor-in-chief of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence  Report.

Leo Frank was convicted of the murder of 13-yearold Mary Phagan in Atlanta in  1913. Two years later, after his death sentence was reduced to life in prison, a  group of men kidnapped Frank from prison and lynched him.

Frank has been a Jewish cause célèbre ever since, with many journalists and  scholars questioning his guilt. “To discredit Leo Frank’s story is in some ways  to really take on the Jews,” Potok said.

Neo-Nazis are discussing Frank’s case vociferously online. A Frank  Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/leofrankcase) page links to neo-Nazi sites.  The American Mercury, H.L.  Mencken’s historic magazine, resurrected online by neo-Nazis several years ago,  has published several revisionist articles to coincide with this year’s  anniversary.

It is impossible to say who is behind most of the neo-Nazi websites because  they are registered anonymously. Their Web hosts, citing privacy rules, refuse  to divulge the identities of their owners.

But one site did not hide its origins. Leofrank.info is registered to Kevin  Strom of Charlottesville, Va. Strom is a well-known neo-Nazi who had significant  clout and influence on the American white supremacist scene until a few years  ago, when he was convicted of possessing child pornography.

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/182404/neo-nazis-use-leo-frank-case-for-anti-semitic-prop/?p=all#ixzz2cYZZpx8X

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