The Pervasive Fantasy Conspiracies Of Today

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Ever since the dawn of time, the human race has been plagued by conspiracies.  All one needs is a group of three people, and the opportunity presents itself for two of those three people to create a conspiracy against the third.  However, the nature of the conspiracy that results from the formulation can vary enormously.  In traditional natural societies, the emphasis was on the narrative of the conspirators rather than on that of the people against whom they were conspiring.  The conspiracy was a defined discrete plan and when it was carried out in the external world, it definitely produced negative preserved imprints on its victims as well as positive preserved imprints (positive as far as the perpetrator was concerned).  Basically, it represented a refinement of a disruptive political act or an ordinary criminal act, where the perpetrators usually did what they could in order to avoid having their plot disclosed, either to prevent it from being aborted as a result of premature revelation or else to avoid revenge or jail time after the plot was carried out. 

In modern technological societies, many people who create the conspiracies do not do anything to actually carry out the conspiracies themselves.  This is because they are fantasy conspiracies.  However, there are still some people who are actively involved in creating conspiratorial plots in the external world.  Look at Watergate and Trump’s election subterfuges.  Nevertheless, such plots are relatively few and far between and are looked down upon by many people in the general public.  The conspiracies that grab people’s attentions today in an affirmative way are confabulated conspiracies.  The people who create them are fabricating them and using them as a vehicle to incite their followers to action against scapegoats.  “It is the scapegoats who are doing all these evil deeds, so we must go get them.”  But the truth is that, unlike the conspiracies committed in traditional natural societies, these conspiracies have no foundation in the external world.  They are totally confabulated.  They are not real plots that are being carried out against individuals or groups of people.

There are so many of these conspiracies floating around these days that it is very hard to keep track of all of them.  QAnon may be the most famous of them all.  Initially, it was created by political conservatives who believed that a bunch of people who worshipped Satan were involved in a pedophile ring that wanted to take over the world.  Sounds kind of kinky, doesn’t it.  But the truth is, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, the famous American writer, there is no there there.  Unlike the conspiracies of the traditional natural societies, there are no real flesh-and-blood conspirators for the confabulated conspiracies in today’s world.  A conspiracy today is a setup by one group of people to create some artificial enemies against whom the first group can rally against.

The most fashionable new conspiracy to present itself these days is one involving the famous American singer Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce.  After the Chiefs supposedly won the Super Bowl in a rigged game (it wasn’t), there would be an announcement of their endorsement of Joe Biden for president and supposedly, of their engagement as well.  Neither of these two events happened, but I wonder which of them would have attracted the most interest among American football fans. Anyway, all of this was supposedly being planned and coordinated in conjunction with the United States Government (those nefarious Democrats).  And seeing as each of these superstars separately has been made a part of other conspiracies, it will be interesting to see what kind of pressure is put on them together, now that they are a couple.  It must be horrible to be a target for one of these confabulated conspiracies.  Unlike the targets for real conspiracies in traditional natural societies, the targets in modern technological societies are usually quite diffuse and include vacuumized people as well as generalized fantasy plots.  I say vacuumized because the targets are vague distant images of famous people, dreamy ghost-like images that frequently have negative traits attached to them that have nothing to do with the way the people actually are in real life.  The same can be said of the events in which it is claimed that they participated.  Negative outrageous happenings like Frazzledrip which is related to Pizzagate which, in turn, is connected to QAnon.  In Frazzledrip, Hillary Clinton supposedly took part in a ritual killing of a child.

Anyway, this is the kind of garbage that passes for a serious conspiracy in today’s world.  And unlike the conspiracies that occur in traditional natural societies, because they aren’t conspiracies that occur in real time, they never really end.  Instead, they mutate and go on endlessly.  Sort of like what has happened with QAnon.  Vacuumized narratives, in general, have no precise beginning and no precise ending.  And this is because there is nothing to ground them in chronological time.  So, we are probably doomed to have new manifestations of QAnon plague us forever much like all the conspiracy theories surrounding John F. Kennedy’s death continue to mutate and plague us.  Kennedy’s death happened in chronological time.  The confabulations surrounding the supposed conspiracies involved with his death float in an endless timelessness.  They include the mafia and Fidel Castro among others.

There used to be a very successful radio show called The Shadow that began in the 1930’s.  It always ended with “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.  The Shadow knows!”  Where is the Shadow when we need him?

Ever since the dawn of time, the human race has been plagued by conspiracies.  All one needs is a group of three people, and the opportunity presents itself for two of those three people to create a conspiracy against the third.  However, the nature of the conspiracy that results from the formulation can vary enormously.  In traditional natural societies, the emphasis was on the narrative of the conspirators rather than on that of the people against whom they were conspiring.  The conspiracy was a defined discrete plan and when it was carried out in the external world, it definitely produced negative preserved imprints on its victims as well as positive preserved imprints (positive as far as the perpetrator was concerned).  Basically, it represented a refinement of a disruptive political act or an ordinary criminal act, where the perpetrators usually did what they could in order to avoid having their plot disclosed, either to prevent it from being aborted as a result of premature revelation or else to avoid revenge or jail time after the plot was carried out. 

In modern technological societies, many people who create the conspiracies do not do anything to actually carry out the conspiracies themselves.  This is because they are fantasy conspiracies.  However, there are still some people who are actively involved in creating conspiratorial plots in the external world.  Look at Watergate and Trump’s election subterfuges.  Nevertheless, such plots are relatively few and far between and are looked down upon by many people in the general public.  The conspiracies that grab people’s attentions today in an affirmative way are confabulated conspiracies.  The people who create them are fabricating them and using them as a vehicle to incite their followers to action against scapegoats.  “It is the scapegoats who are doing all these evil deeds, so we must go get them.”  But the truth is that, unlike the conspiracies committed in traditional natural societies, these conspiracies have no foundation in the external world.  They are totally confabulated.  They are not real plots that are being carried out against individuals or groups of people.

There are so many of these conspiracies floating around these days that it is very hard to keep track of all of them.  QAnon may be the most famous of them all.  Initially, it was created by political conservatives who believed that a bunch of people who worshipped Satan were involved in a pedophile ring that wanted to take over the world.  Sounds kind of kinky, doesn’t it.  But the truth is, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, the famous American writer, there is no there there.  Unlike the conspiracies of the traditional natural societies, there are no real flesh-and-blood conspirators for the confabulated conspiracies in today’s world.  A conspiracy today is a setup by one group of people to create some artificial enemies against whom the first group can rally against.

The most fashionable new conspiracy to present itself these days is one involving the famous American singer Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce.  After the Chiefs supposedly won the Super Bowl in a rigged game (it wasn’t), there would be an announcement of their endorsement of Joe Biden for president and supposedly, of their engagement as well.  Neither of these two events happened, but I wonder which of them would have attracted the most interest among American football fans. Anyway, all of this was supposedly being planned and coordinated in conjunction with the United States Government (those nefarious Democrats).  And seeing as each of these superstars separately has been made a part of other conspiracies, it will be interesting to see what kind of pressure is put on them together, now that they are a couple.  It must be horrible to be a target for one of these confabulated conspiracies.  Unlike the targets for real conspiracies in traditional natural societies, the targets in modern technological societies are usually quite diffuse and include vacuumized people as well as generalized fantasy plots.  I say vacuumized because the targets are vague distant images of famous people, dreamy ghost-like images that frequently have negative traits attached to them that have nothing to do with the way the people actually are in real life.  The same can be said of the events in which it is claimed that they participated.  Negative outrageous happenings like Frazzledrip which is related to Pizzagate which, in turn, is connected to QAnon.  In Frazzledrip, Hillary Clinton supposedly took part in a ritual killing of a child.

Anyway, this is the kind of garbage that passes for a serious conspiracy in today’s world.  And unlike the conspiracies that occur in traditional natural societies, because they aren’t conspiracies that occur in real time, they never really end.  Instead, they mutate and go on endlessly.  Sort of like what has happened with QAnon.  Vacuumized narratives, in general, have no precise beginning and no precise ending.  And this is because there is nothing to ground them in chronological time.  So, we are probably doomed to have new manifestations of QAnon plague us forever much like all the conspiracy theories surrounding John F. Kennedy’s death continue to mutate and plague us.  Kennedy’s death happened in chronological time.  The confabulations surrounding the supposed conspiracies involved with his death float in an endless timelessness.  They include the mafia and Fidel Castro among others.

There used to be a very successful radio show called The Shadow that began in the 1930’s.  It always ended with “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.  The Shadow knows!”  Where is the Shadow when we need him?

Acerca de Laurence Mesirow

Durante mi estadía en la Ciudad de México en los años setenta, me di cuenta que esta enorme ciudad contenía en sus colonias distintos "medio ambientes vivenciales", que iban desde muy antiguas a muy recientes; desde muy primitivas a muy modernas.Observé que había diferencias sutiles en la conducta de la gente y en sus interacciones en las diferentes colonias. Esta observación fue fundamental en la fundación de mis teorías con respecto a los efectos de la tecnología moderna sobre los medio ambientes vivenciales y sobre la conducta humana.En México, publiqué mi libro "Paisaje Sin Terreno" (Editorial Pax-México), y luego di conferencias para la U.N.A.M. y la Universidad Anahuac. También, presenté un ensayo para un Congreso de Psicología.Ahora que mis hijas son adultas, tengo el tiempo de explorar mis ideas de vuelta. Le agradezco mucho a y en especial al Sr. Daniel Ajzen por la oportunidad de presentar mis ideas.

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