Putting on a Purim Shpil is one of the best ways to celebrate Purim. Purim Shpils are performances-either puppet shows, skits, comedy routines or musicals-that include elements of the Purim story. The Purim characters, including Queen Esther, King Ahashuarus, Haman, Queen Vashti and Mordechai, are usually featured. These tips can help your family put on an entertaining Purim Shpil:
Know Your Audience
Who will be watching, and who will be performing this Shpil? Cater the content, length and humor to the age and maturity of the audience. Children have a limited attention span, so 20 minutes is a good length for their Shpil. Some content in the Book of Esther is aimed at adults, but you’ll need to make a Shpil for kids G-rated.
Adults might appreciate more sophisticated content, so, if your audience would enjoy it, you can make the humor more mature. Adults might also appreciate a longer production. Whatever the age, humor is entirely appropriate for a Purim Shpil.
In preparing your script, start by knowing the story. Read it over, and review all of the characters and events. Then choose which parts of the story you want to use in the Shpil. Do you want to make fun of the character of Haman? Make a modern interpretation? Give a light version of the story? Add in some funny costumes? Always keep the audience in mind. Once you make these choices, you can develop an outline of what will be in each scene, and then write the script.
Rehearsals, Set, Costumes And Props
Divide up parts, and have a few practices if possible. The longer the Shpil, the more practices you will need. Make sure the actors are loud, do their best to be believable and face the audience as much as possible. These three points will improve the show. Add costumes, props and set pieces as needed. The best advice is to keep it simple and have fun.
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