What is the WAICF..?

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Currently, the accelerated advances and changes in the development of science and technology leave us with more questions than answers, due to the dynamism that constitutes the transformation of the technological race to conquer the virtual space that AI makes up around the world.

For this reason, it is essential that techno-scientific and business analysis spaces be opened in which the latest innovations and technological applications are exhibited, useful in the evolution of our life in society. Because AI is required to be exposed in a way that combines the diverse experiences of a world globalized by Information and Communication Technologies that have been enhanced by the leaps made by quantum physics.

It is through mechanics managed by AI that we can venture into a new world that goes beyond the physical space of 3D towards a cybernetics of the Anthropocene, where the studies carried out between living beings and artificial communication and regulation systems are combined. automatic electronics in an ethical, responsible and sustainable way with the environment.

Thus the WAICF in Cannes France is the largest Artificial Intelligence festival held in Europe this month of April on 14, 15 and 16 with more than 300 speakers and 250 sessions, as well as 220 sponsors and partners. The conferences, demonstrations and exhibitions will be the key to assuming the incursion of the human being in the techno-scientific space of the 2022 century from an inclusive, sustainable and creative AI.


Special for the Diario Judío.com de México.

Marisol Chévez Hidalgo-Bonefil
Msc in Ethics and Democracy
Universitat of Valencia, Spain.

Acerca de Marisol Chevez Hidalgo

Licenciada en Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR, especializada en identidad nacional costarricense; ética; y comunicación social, Máster en ética y democracia por la Universidad de Valencia. En la actualidad investiga sobre los judíos sefardíes en Costa RIca. Además tiene estudios en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Costa Rica y trabaja como consejera en razonamiento jurídico en una firma de abogados. Publica artículos en El Semanario Universidad, de la Universidad de Costa RIca, en esefarad.com, revista argentina en internet sobre cultura sefardita y ha publicado en el diario La Nación de Costa RIca. Es Poeta. Publicó poemas en la Revista Tópicos del Humanismo de la Universidad Nacional, UNA, en el Semanario Universidad de la UCR y en el diario La Nación. Forma parte de la Junta Directiva de la Ong Instituto para el Desarrollo, la Democracia y la Ética, IDDE.

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