El Mitzvah Project extiende su cobertura a sobrevivientes en Lituania, Letonia y Estonia

- - Visto 313 veces

 Usted también puede participar: Apoye a los sobrevivientes del holocausto que viven en estos países.

As the Holidays approach, give the Gift of Life –



Honor your friends and family members with tribute donations to The Survivor Mitzvah Project.

The special people in your life will receive a beautiful tribute, printed on parchment paper, noting that you have made a donation in their name. The tribute will also tell them the name of the Holocaust survivor your gift helps!

Save lives this Holiday Season.
You can choose “Happy Chanukah” or
“Seasons Greetings”JUST CLICK HERE
Donate Online Today! Or send a check to:
The Survivor Mitzvah Project
2658 Griffith Park Blvd., Ste. #299
Los Angeles, CA 90039

The Survivor Mitzvah Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit public charity.

Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.

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