El médico de Shalit se presentará en la WIZO San Diego

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Eyal is a military doctor, flight surgeon and a military psychiatrist.

During his over 20 years of service in the IDF he served in different
places in the field front and in command.

His last position was as the head of the mental health department- at
the medical corps of the Israeli defense force (IDF).

His main fields of academic influence and research during his military
roles were the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevention and
the suicide prevention.

During his last military post, Eyal took a leading part in the medical
retrieval of the POW Gilad Shalit from Hamas prison and the
humanitarian field hospital to the Philippians after the 2013 typhoon.

Donativo adultos y seniors $10.00Jóvenes de 12 gratis café y paste
Lugar: Ohr Shlaom Synagogue
2512 Third Av. San Diego CA 92101

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