Important Schedule Updates for San Diego Jewish Book Fair

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Location Change:
Marcus Freed (Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 9am) location has changed from Lululemon in Carlsbad to the JCC in the Music Room


Cancelled – Jami Attenberg (November 13, 2015 at 10am) at JCC

Updated – Jonathan Kozol (Friday , November 13, 2015 at 12pm at the JCC) is now unable to attend due to medical reasons, but the lunch program will continue as scheduled with the impressive team of Alzheimer’s experts.

Postponed – David Gregory (November 10, 2015 at 7:30pm at the JCC). Rescheduled TBA. Due to a death in David Gregory’s immediate family, Mr. Gregory will be unable to be in San Diego on Tuesday night for the Book Fair. We plan to bring him back later this year.

Added – Anthony David (November 10, 2015 at 7:30pm at the JCC). We are pleased to announce that Anthony David, who already sold out his event in North County will be at the JCC to discuss his book: An Improbable Friendship: The Remarkable Lives of Israeli Ruth Dayan and Palestinian Raymonda Tawil and Their Forty-Year Peace Mission. Your ticket for David Gregory grants complimentary access for the Anthony David event. All David Gregory ticket holders unable to attend the rescheduled David Gregory talk, will be entitled to a refund. Buy tickets

Speaker Highlights

Congressman Barney Frankbook-1

SAT. NOVEMBER 14, 7:30 p.m.
Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage
The former Massachusetts Congressman joins us! Gay, Jewish, reliably intellectually combative, and even more reliably disheveled, Barney Frank is an iconoclast in every sense of the word. In his fast-paced, moving, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny memoir, we meet the man more closely than ever before, coming face to face with someone “acerbic, pugnacious, saucy, and ferociously, intimidatingly smart… dedicated students of government and trivia-obsessed political geeks shouldn’t miss [Frank].” (The New York Times). Meet Congressman and author Barney Frank as he discusses his personal memoir.

Price: $20.50; JCC Member Price: $17.50
For tickets click here or call the Box Office at (858) 362-1348.
Literary Circle Partner with the Author: Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Jennifer Teege

SUN. NOVEMBER 15, 5:30 p.m.

My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me:
A Black Woman Discovers her Family’s Nazi Past
An author with a terrifying surprise. At age 38, Jennifer Teege, a German- Nigerian woman, received the shock of a lifetime when she learned she was the granddaughter of infamous Nazi commandant, Amon Goeth (portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in Schindler’s List). Her acclaimed memoir shares the personal repercussions of the Holocaust felt by a woman who realizes that her grandfather “…shot hundreds of people for being black. He would have shot me, too.” Included with admission will be a showing of the film Inheritance (optional), which details the story of Monika Goeth, daughter of Amon, mother of Jennifer.

Price: $20.50; JCC Member Price: $17.50
For tickets click here or call the Box Office at (858) 362-1348.
Ticket includes screening of Inheritance from
5:30-6:45 p.m.; Author Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m.

Community Host: San Diego Jewish Genealogical Society

Closing Night Event

Mitch Albom

MON. NOVEMBER 16, 7:30 p.m.
The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

The author of Tuesdays with Morrie joins us to discuss his new novel about the greatest (fictional) guitar player who ever lived. Frankie Presto is a war orphan sent to America at the tender age of nine, his only possessions being a guitar and six magical blue strings, each string with the power to change a life. Peopled by legendary musicians ranging from Duke Ellington to Elvis to Carole King to KISS-and ethereally narrated by “The Spirit of Music”-Albom’s novel is moving, musical, and magical.

Price Includes Book: $32.00; JCC Member Price: $27.00
Alternative Price: Two Tickets, One book: $50.50;
JCC Member Two Tickets, One book: $42.50

For tickets click here or call the Box Office at (858) 362-1348.

Literary Circle Partner with the Author: Julie & Lowell Potiker

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