Shaechter Memorial program: Max Weinreich in America, Lorin Sklamberg

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Di Yidish-lige un der Yidisher visnshaftlekher institut – YIVO farbetn aykh af der yerlekher program tsum 5tn Yortzaitn fun D”r Mordkhe Shekhter, lingvist, mekhaber, balibter yidish-lerer. Di program kumt for dem zuntik, dem 24stn Yuni, 2012, 2:30 nokh mitog in Tsenter far yidisher geshikhte, 15 Vest 16te gas, Manhetn. Der hoypt-redner vet zayn D”r Kalmen Vayzer fun Yorker Universitet af der teme “Maks Vaynraykhs kumen in Amerike”. Gitl Shekhter-Vishvanat vet redn vegn “Mordkhe Shekhter, der tate”. Der barimter klezmer/zinger Lorin Sklamberg fun di Klezmatiks vet uftretn mit a kinstlerisher program.

Di program vet zayn in gantsn af Yidish. Verter tsu di lider un a kitser fun der hoypt-rede dem hoypt-referat veln gegebn vern af English. Der forgeleygter arayntret iz $5.00. Rezervirt ayere biletn:

212-868-4444 /

Nokh informatsye:

Don’t miss the annual program in memory of the fifth Yortzaitn of Yiddish linguist, author and beloved teacher Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, this Sunday, June 24, 2012, at 2:30 PM at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th St. in Manhattan. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kalman Weiser of York University, Toronto, who will be speaking on “Max Weinreich in America.” Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath will speak on “Mordkhe Schaechter as a Father.” Lorin Sklamberg, famed singer and member of the Klezmatics, will present a musical program. [This is an all-Yiddish program.] The program will be conducted entirely in Yiddish. Lyrics of the songs will be available in translation, as will an English synopsis of the main lecture. Suggested donation $5.00.

Tickets may be reserved. 212-868-4444 or at The program is sponsored by the League for Yiddish and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

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