An-sky: escritor judío, revolucionario ruso

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Registration is now open for the Yiddish Book Center’s online course:

An-sky: Jewish Writer, Russian Revolutionary
with Professor Gabriella Safran, April 30–May 27, 2018




Best known for his remarkable Yiddish play The DybbukS. An-sky (born Shloyme-Zanvl Rappoport, 1863-1920) was also an ethnographer and a keen observer of Jewish life in the Russian Pale of Settlement. In this online course, Professor Gabriella Safran of Stanford University, author of the biography Wandering Soul: The Dybbuk’s Creator, S. An-sky, will lead us on an in-depth exploration of An-sky’s life and work.
This self-paced online course includes:

  • four filmed lectures by Professor Safran
  • recommended course readings
  • an online forum where participants can respond to questions posed by the professor and discuss the lectures with her and with other students.

To learn more and register, visit: 


Questions? Contact Molly, education program assistant, at [email protected]

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