Attackers Shoot Up Offices of Mexican Newspaper

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El Siglo de Torreon, a newspaper in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, said Tuesday that its offices were the target of a shooting attack that left no casualties.

“According to preliminary reports, it was close to 1:00 a.m. in the morning when a burst of gunfire from large-caliber weapons was heard,” the newspaper said on its Web site.

The newspaper has its main offices in Torreon, capital of Coahuila.

“Broken windows, walls riddled with bullets and damaged furniture” were the results of the shots fired from AR-15 and AK-47 assault rifles.

“Fortunately none of the workers were hurt in the attack,” El Siglo de Torreon said.

Mexico is considered one of the most dangerous countries in Latin America to practice journalism, both for the activities of drug-trafficking gangs fighting to control the market and drug routes to the United States, and because of abuses by the authorities, especially local officials.

Since 2000 more than 50 reporters have been murdered in the country, eight of them this year, according to data from Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission and the Inter-American Press Association. EFE

Source: Latin American Herald Tribune

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