“Jews Vs. Nazis” Drinking Game Popular with South Florida Students

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A new drinking game is making the rounds at Florida high schools, with some decidedly Nazi undertones.

The game, referred to as “Jews Vs. Nazis,” made headlines this week after photographs began circulating on social media via the handle @HSConfessional. The pictures showed a setup similar to that of a game known as Beer Pong, in which players bounce ping pong balls into cups of beer on different ends of a table.

In the “Nazi” version, one end of the table is adorned with cups laid out in the shape of a swastika, while the other side is organized with cups arranged in the shape of a Jewish star.

The original images have already been reshared thousands of times, leading a Fox affiliate channel to run a segment on the incident.

“This is a wake-up call,” said Rabbi Minkowicz, of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, to Fox4.

“We are not doing enough of a job educating people to be nicer, kinder, more polite.”

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