Únete y disfruta en línea de canciones infantiles en Yiddish de Y. L. Peretz y Moses Milner

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Únete a nosotros para una presentación de 10 canciones infantiles de Y. L. Peretz (1921) del compositor Moses Milner. Descrito como “infantil, pero no infantil” por el profesor Neil W. Levin, que compara la composición con Kinderszenen de Robert Schumann, las canciones de este elegante ciclo son engañosamente simples.

Desde una canción de cuna hasta escenas pastorales y bailes, las canciones muestran el lírico yiddish de Y. L. Peretz y la combinación única de la sensibilidad de la canción popular yiddish de Milner con su sofisticado lenguaje musical de principios del siglo XX.

Estas diez canciones serán interpretadas por la cantante Lucy Fitz Gibbon con el pianista Ryan MacEvoy McCullough, y se lanzarán a través de Facebook y YouTube:

Thursday Jun 11, 2020.
10:00 AM – San Diego
12:00 PM – Mexico City
13:00 PM New York

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Serie de conciertos de Sidney Krum Young Artists

La serie de conciertos de “Sidney Krum Young Artists” es posible gracias a un generoso regalo de “Estate of Sidney Krum”. Este programa es apoyado, en parte, por fondos públicos del Departamento de Asuntos Culturales de la Ciudad de Nueva York, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento.

About the Performers

Soprano Lucy Fitz Gibbon and pianist Ryan MacEvoy McCullough have been making music together since 2006, giving their first joint recital in Sacramento, California, in 2009. As both musical and life partners, Fitz Gibbon and McCullough bring an intimacy to their performances that speaks to their many years of collaboration. The husband-and-wife duo has performed throughout North America and Europe in such venues as New York’s Merkin Hall, Park Avenue Armory, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Di Menna Center; London’s Wigmore Hall; and Toronto’s Koerner Hall. Their growing joint discography includes forthcoming CDs with Albany Records (Descent/Return, featuring works by John Harbison and James Primosch, and another featuring the collected works of Sheila Silver alongside luminaries Dawn Upshaw, Stephanie Blythe, and Gilbert Kalish) and Acte Préalable (mid-century Polish art song).

Committed to the performance of contemporary works alongside the art song canon, Fitz Gibbon and McCullough have worked closely with emerging and established composers alike. Among the body of works dedicated to them are compositions by Niccolo Athens (Five Poems of Sara Teasdale), Dante De Silva (A Year of Strife), Andrew Hsu (Reticence), Anna Lindemann (The Colony), Pablo Ortiz (California Songs), and Alan Louis Smith (Surfing the Thin Places). They have also given premieres of works by John Harbison (Seven Poems of Lorraine Niedecker) and James Primosch (Descent/Return, The Pitcher, The Old Astronomer​) and have worked closely with Sheila Silver on numerous projects. Through the guidance and research of musicologist Mackenzie Pierce, Fitz Gibbon and McCullough have given the US premieres of numerous works by mid-20th century Polish composers ranging from the early and late works of Roman Palester (Three Songs to Texts of Kazimiera IłłakowiczównaMonogramy) and a modern setting of 16th century religious texts (Tadeusz Kassern’s Tryptyk żałobny), as well as songs by Grażyna Bacewicz and Alexander Tansman (Ponctuation Française). They have also brought new life to Milton Babbit’s lyrical Du and Adela Maddison’s lush Cinq mélodies, while championing long-form songs by Schubert (ViolaVergissmeinnicht) and Prokofiev (The Ugly Duckling).

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