SVC to Meet with Court-Appointed Examiner

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Last week, U.S. District Court Judge David Godbey appointed attorney John Little as examiner to represent the depositors’ interests in the SEC vs. Stanford case. Little has agreed to a meeting with SVC directors on Monday, May 4.

Initial discussions with Little have revealed a yet to be announced website for investors and an email address that will be monitored by three professionals at Little’s firm.

“Judge Godbey appointed me so that I might serve as a voice for the investors who have been damaged by Stanford Financial,” said Little. “My task, as I understand it, involves listening to the concerns that are expressed by individual investors, investor groups, advocacy groups like yours, and counsel for investors and investor groups, and then synthesizing what I’m hearing into something coherent that I can communicate to the Court via briefs as to specific issues or via reports and recommendations.”

Little also discussed a meeting planned for Thursday (yesterday) meeting with Receiver Ralph Janvey to:

“(i) get some handle on the sort of information that he has assembled so that I can try to gain access to that information and not duplicate efforts (and expense), (ii) to discuss the way in which his account review process is proceeding so that I might have something to report to the 1500 or so investors who have applied to have their accounts released, and (iii) to discuss the Receiver’s views with respect to victims who find themselves in real emergency situations.”

When SVC officials discussed the devastated victims who now face financial devastation, Little said, “I have also heard some very difficult stories that I think need to be addressed.”

SVC will provide a meeting summary via email on Monday evening.

If you have questions or concerns you would like to have addressed, please send them via email. We will try to get as much information from this meeting as possible and want to represent all the SVC members. We are also asking for the victims storys (see below for details). We’d like to show Little how our lives have been affected. The deadline to submit this is 8 p.m. CST Sunday, May 4.

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