La Universidad de París expulsa a estudiante Kuwaiti por mensajes antijudíos

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The Paris-based Institute for the Study of Political Science (Sciences Po) said comments made by Amira J. last year violated basic values of the university. The student, who is in her third year of study, was fired last October by the Kuwaiti consulate in Paris where she did an internship.

A disciplinary panel composed of five professors and five students in December took the unprecedented decision to expel Amira J. for her remarks on Facebook.

“Yes you Jews deserve to learn these lessons. What did you expect, taking over people’s l ands and killing them? Hugs?” she wrote in a post, and in another: “You don’t belong anywhere in this world – that’s why you guys are scums and rats and discriminated against wherever you are. Do not blame it on the poor Palestinians.”

In response to being accused of racism Amira wrote: “First of all you dispersed rat, I am not an immigrant from France. I am from Kuwait so my country can buy you and your parents and put you in ovens.”

Sciences Po was established in 1872 and is considered one of the leading colleges in the world for the study of politics and international relations. The Jewish group of militants known as ‘The Inglorious Bastards’, which campaigns against anti-Semitism, exposed the Facebook comments of the student.

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